#ARMSNurse Story  

Lisette, a MedSurg/Tele travel nurse, has been a valuable member of our staff for just about 2 years. She loves traveling now, but Lisette took a number of stepping stones to get here.  

She started as a Certified Nurse Assistant 26 years ago. “First I was hired at Temple University Hospital as an aide on a bilingual unit,” she recounted. “I started there and I met so many wonderful nurses and it just inspired me to go back to school. I was in school for several years because I was raising my son.” Temple offered Lisette an incredible opportunity that paid half of her salary while working through the program. 

As a result, Lisette got hired on-site with Temple after graduation. “They hired me and I stayed there for several more years, but I got burnt out with COVID, like most nurses, and decided to try traveling.” 

And that is where her career in travel nursing began.  

Taking the Leap into Travel Nursing 

“I heard about ARMstaffing through word of mouth, to be honest,” Lisette said. “And I’ve got to tell you, I’ve I went with some other agencies, and I love ARMS the best. I wouldn’t just say that; it’s the truth.” 

Lisette had tried out a few different travel agencies before making her way to ARMStaffing. “I heard some good things about [another agency] and I went with them. I was not impressed,” she explained. “But I think the difference with ARMS is again, my recruiter, because she is so great.  She makes sure that I have another contract lined up before my contract is about to expire.” 

Although currently on assignment in Pennsylvania, Lisette says she looks forward to traveling across the country with ARMS in the future. “I am looking to get more licensing in California and some other places,” she said. “One day I’d really like to travel more. That is the long-term goal.” 

We look forward to seeing Lisette accomplish all her short and long-term goals!   

All About You 

Here comes the lightning round – All of Lisette’s favorites.     

Movie: The Color Purple 

Color: Purple 

Book: The Power of Positive Thinking 


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